Positive COVID-19 test result confirmation services for travel to Aruba

You can travel to Aruba with a positive molecular test result received no less than ten days and no more than 12 weeks before departure. Upload your test results and get them confirmed by AZOVA to enter Aruba with a digital verification.

Get Your Test Results Confirmed $10
Positive COVID-19 test result confirmation services for travel to Aruba

How it Works


Upload your lab results and your photo ID and submit them for confirmation.


The AZOVA records confirmation team will confirm your records and get them ready for travel clearance.


Once you have received notice that your records have been confirmed, go to the Aruba ED card, select digital verification and enter your AZOVA Credential ID.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does it mean to get my lab results confirmed?
When you submit your lab report for confirmation, AZOVA will review your report and check your photo ID and demographic information and the lab report issuer and will make sure that they all correlate and are legitimate. In addition, we will confirm your record and provide a COVID Credential Simple Health Pass™ for entry to Aruba.

Who needs to have their positive test results confirmed before going to Aruba?
If you tested positive for COVID-19 with a molecular test (PCR or LAMP--not antigen) no less that ten days ago and no more than 12 weeks prior to arrival, you can submit this lab report for records confirmation and can enter Aruba with this positive test result and the Simple Health Pass from AZOVA.

Why do I need to have my test results confirmed?
To expedite check-in and boarding at the airport and entry to Aruba, you must have your test results confirmed by AZOVA and then submit your AZOVA Credential ID in the Aruba ED Card registration. This way, you can enter Aruba with not paper work and no questions asked.

When should I get my lab results confirmed?
Request confirmation as soon as you schedule your trip, but remember, your results cannot be less than ten days or greater than 12 days old.

Why do I need to submit my AZOVA Credential ID into the Aruba ED card?
When you complete the Aruba ED Card registration for travel to Aruba, select the digital verification option and enter your AZOVA Credential ID. When you enter your Credential ID, AZOVA will let Aruba know that we have checked your lab report and that it meets the requirements for travel to Aruba. This expedites the boarding process at the gate and entry to Aruba and eliminates the need for paper reports and automates the process. Think if it as an online check-in for your COVID test. If you do it online before you arrive, then you don't have to wait in line for someone to manually check it.

Contact Us

You can chat with AZOVA’s Customer Support team for comprehensive support, including help with your account, testing, shipping, and results. We typically respond within 3 minutes or less. Click the messaging icon on the lower right corner of the page to get started.

Talk with Customer Support

You can call the dedicated support line using the number below. Please note that wait times may vary depending on call volume.

(844) 692–9682
*Travel and testing requirements are subject to change without notice. The information here is intended to help you plan for your trip and is supplementary to any information provided by government authorities. Due to the rapidly evolving information and requirements of COVID-19 testing and travel, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of the displayed information or if it is up to date. It is your responsibility to understand the requirements for your destination. We recommend you regularly check back on both this website and with your destination’s official travel website to see which testing solutions are permitted and what restrictions are in place before you purchase or take your test.
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