AZOVA Whole Health Clinic

We provide Integrative Primary Care for you and your children
or we work with you and your existing primary care provider

We’ll help you

to be healthy starting with prevention.

Use insurance where applicable or self-pay options.
Available in office in Alpine, Utah and virtually in 50 states

We FOCUS ON PREVENTION with cutting edge digital health technologies.



Care that surrounds you and your family with the help you need.

Where primary care providers, specialists, pharmacists, and functional medicine providers work together in your care.

If you need a primary care provider, choose one from our nationwide practice for yourself, your spouse or significant other, and your children. 
If you already have a primary care provider, AZOVA Whole Health works with you and your existing primary care provider as a wrap around support service. You get all the benefits of our preventive care services and access to our connected provider ecosystem.

We’ll start with the Health Vitality and Prevention Program.

Includes everything you see here along withthe HEALTHBOX Virtual Preventive Exam.

The truth is inyournumbers. Trackedover time.
Repeatedevery year.

Your HEALTH VITALITY INDEX is more than a lab test. Much more.


HbA1c, eAG (estimated average glucose), Creatinine, eGFR, AST, ALT, Total Cholesterol, HDL, LDL, Triglycerides, LDL/HDL Ratio, Cholesterol/HDL Ratio, VLDL, TSH, hsCRP, Vitamin D.


Blood Pressure, Height, Weight, Waist Measurement, Hip Measurement, Body Mass Index (BMI), Waist to Hip Ratio (WHR),

Structured Risk Assessments:

Alcohol use disorders identification test (AUDIT-C), Adapted Prime Diet Quality Score (PDQS), Epworth Sleepiness Score, Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9), General Anxiety Disorder (GAD-7), Medication adherence report scale (MARS-5), International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS).


Influenza, Shingles, Pneumonia,

Recommended Screenings:

Hepatitis C Infection, HIV Infection Screening, Colon Cancer Screening, Prostate Cancer Screening.

Lifestyle Screenings:

Physical Activity, Sexual Activity, Smoking Status, Recreational Drug Use, Adapted Ascertain Dementia Informant Questionnaire (AD8), Advanced Directive.

Women’s Health:

Pregnancy, Birth Control, Folic Acid Supplementation, Recurrent UTI, Menstrual Irregularities.

Your Health Risks:

We’ll help you put a plan of action in place.

Prostate Cancer Screening:

Prostate specific antigen, PSA, test.

Colon Cancer Screening FIT test:

results in minutes

Lab testing from home. Monitor for hundreds of diseases from home. Because who has time to go to the lab? We don’t.

Whole Health works with your existing primary care provider or choose a primary care provider from our nationwide practice.

The Whole Health Membership covers services that are not covered by insurance.
We bill insurance for covered services like primary care, dermatology or psychiatry.

Become a Whole Health Memberor see our providers without a membership.



Charged annually at $228

I want to see a primary care provider without membership.

Unlimited virtual urgent care visits at NO COST with membership.
See a doctor 24/7/365 in all 50 states for things like UTI, sinus infection or flu.
Virtual and in office (where available) Primary Care billed to insurance only $95 for self-pay members.
We accept some insurance plans for primary care and in office urgent care. We will submit a claim for services that are covered by insurance whether we are in network or out of network.
Members only discounts on the Health Vitality and Prevention Program every year.
Get your Health Vitality Index, virtual preventive exam, colon cancer FIT test (ages 45+), prostate cancer screening test (PSA) (men age 55+), and the Annual Comprehensive Wellness blood test panel.
Members only discounts on all HEALTHBOX at home tests and the AZOVA Home Sleep Test.
Choose from any of our HEALTHBOX home test panels including hormone health, heart health & inflammation, cortisol & insulin, metabolic health, STIs or our cutting edge home sleep test.
Members only discounts on Functional Medicine Provider Consultation Services.
Get help with complex conditions including autoimmune disease, inflammatory bowel disease, MS, chronic fatigue, long COVID and more.

Join nearly1 million peoplewho have experienced healthcare the way is should be on AZOVA

Take from comfort of home

I really like it because it can be done from home, espcially for those of us that don’t have time to go in person. I am very happy with it, and the results and its effectiveness.

Global Color

Incredible! More thorough blood testing than my Doc did at my yearly physical

The price is reasonable when I consider a first doctor office visit in my area is $300 or so PLUS tests. Can’t wait to get the results back. A great investment in one’s health!

Ed Osworth

Virtual office visit

This kit comes with a wrist blood monitor, tape measure, and lancets for a blood test. You also get a to speak to a physician about your blood work. This is good to find out something is wrong with your body before it becomes a big problem. Prevention is the best medicine.


Take from comfort of home

I really like it because it can be done from home, espcially for those of us that don’t have time to go in person. I am very happy with it, and the results and its effectiveness.

Global Color

Incredible! More thorough blood testing than my Doc did at my yearly physical

The price is reasonable when I consider a first doctor office visit in my area is $300 or so PLUS tests. Can’t wait to get the results back. A great investment in one’s health!

Ed Osworth

Virtual office visit

This kit comes with a wrist blood monitor, tape measure, and lancets for a blood test. You also get a to speak to a physician about your blood work. This is good to find out something is wrong with your body before it becomes a big problem. Prevention is the best medicine.


Frequently asked questions