Healthcare made easy for you

The Doctor Is In makes your general healthcare convenient and accesible to you. You can get an online video visit or secure messaging for a variety of common conditions. Our online doctors and pharmacists deliver exceptional care to you and will ensure the best treatment plan. If needed, your doctor will send a prescription to a pharmacy who will deliver the medicine directly to your door. Get started today to receive your expert care from The Doctor Is In.

How it works


Step 1: Select your condition and pharmacy. You will then go to the marketplace to select a provider.


Step 2: Select a provider licensed in your state to purchase a secure messaging visit or video vist with1.


Step 3: Fill out all the required information to set up your account and fill out the health intake review for your provider.


Step 4: Complete your eVisit with your provider on the AZOVA app within 48 hours of the time of purchase.


If indicated, your provider will send a prescription to a PierceRx member pharmacy. You can pick up in store or get your medicine delivered right to your door.

Select a condition and get started for $59 or $69

Dermatology Virtual Urgent Care Men’s Health Women’s Health Clinical Pharmacy Services

1. Certain states require you to get a video visit with your provider.